Beware of Dog


Today we crack open the 20x20 RWD Time Capsule dated May 26, 1996 - the day that WWF presented In Your House: Beware of Dog. We were driving to the Florence Civic Center from the airport on that stormy Memorial Day weekend, recording the whole time, knowing that in 25+ years, we would be listening to these tapes and recalling the fond memories of the weekend.

Don't worry - Peter and Chris don't only talk about the wrestling event of the evening; we dive into sports, music, movies and general pop culture of May 1996. Specific topics include: Michigan football, Jordan vs the Magic in the NBA Playoffs, FOX's Glowing Puck, singing bad tunes in the car, diet chips, the worst UFC fight in history, Stranglemania, mad cow disease, and Susan's last episode on Seinfeld.

Listen to episode here!

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